who are these domainateria people? >>>

DOMAINATERIA, the world's first designer-name online boutique, was launched in the summer of 2001. Every year since, we have added more new top level domain names.

With a creative catalog of hundreds of specially designed domain names, Domainateria is positioned as a unique resource for the image-conscious client. One who needs a FAST and FASHIONABLE top-level domain name as an online identity for a new company or product in the 21st century.

Led by designer and creative director CHRISTOPHER JELLEY, Domainateria's unique team of word-wranglers were captured from the domains of advertising, motion pictures, cyber-music, fashion, internet commerce and new media public relations.

Domainateria's sales and customer service can be contacted at: info@domainateria.com

The company is located in 30,000 square feet of luxurious cyberspace in Beverly Hills, California.

DOMAINATERIA, the DOMAINATERIA LOGO and DOMAINATERIA.COM are all trademarks of ARTIFICIAL LIFE MEDIA. All of the dotcom domain names listed on the DOMAINATERIA website are copyright DOMAINATERIA / ARTIFICIAL LIFE 2000 & 2010. Website design copyright DOMAINATERIA / ARTIFICIAL LIFE 2001. All rights reserved. Protected under both Federal Law and California State Law of the United States of America and of the multi-national laws of the European Economic Community.

© Domainateria / Artificial Life 2001 / 2010. All rights reserved.